Rise to Glory
A civilization-building board game

Rise to Glory Game Specs
Civilization Rise to Glory Board Game
Rise to Glory
is a civilization-building game in which players explore a random map and compete to earn the most glory by researching technologies, building wonders, conquering cities, acquiring great artworks, and launching a starship. Players can play from 1 to all 5 eras.

Players bid for technologies, trade resources and favors, and pay each other royalties to recruit units. They can wage war and join forces against other players, barbarians, or pirates.

You'll need a copy of Tabletop Simulator on Steam.
You'll need to do a bit of setup, learn the rules, and find at least 2 friends with Tabletop Simulator to play with.
Rise to Glory 3-player setup
Rise to Glory 4-player setup

What makes Rise to Glory different and unique?

Epic feel as players develop technologies and deploy big armies.

Random map that players gradually unveil and explore.

Straightforward mechanics (minimal fuss, maximum fun!).

Extensive player interactions (bidding, trading, fighting!).

Balanced game system that keeps all players engaged (no elimination).

Barbarians & pirates to spice things up (hordes can be unleashed!).

Player differentiation with leaders, wonders, unit levels...

Engaging combat system with surprise attacks, boosts, and dice rolling.

Random events that can be player-specific or affect all players.

Extensively play-tested over many years.

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Amaury Laporte

How to Play Video

Civilization: Rise to Glory Rules

Civilization: Rise to Glory Photos

Civilization: Rise to Glory Photos